There are a few dishes that contain the essence of a specific season, and pasta salads are one that belong wholly to summer. When it comes to summer fare, cold pasta salads can be both filling, flavorful, and not too heavy, which makes them perfect for the season. A good pasta salad has a good […]
Italian Night: Lasagna
One of the things I do to periodically mix up meals at my house is have a themed night! It’s a great way to introduce your littles to new flavors and choose dishes without spending the whole afternoon perusing the web. So, tonight is Italian Night and our focus is…lasagna! This does not have to […]
Food For Thought: Summertime Snacks
As a part of our ongoing series of “Food for Thought”, stop #2 is summertime snacks! What makes a good summertime snack, you might ask? Well it has a few components. First, it has to be full of flavor. Preferably fresh fruit flavor. Second, it has to be cool. Whether that’s in the literal sense […]
Paula Deen Approved Butter Bread
I have a few memories growing up of my grandma making rolls and bread from scratch. There was nothing quite like fresh hot bread from the oven topped with melting butter and fresh jam. We would all crowd the counter waiting for our piece and eat them so fast we ended up with burnt tongues. […]
Simple One Dish Dinners Even Dads Can’t Destroy
Okay let’s be honest, sometimes dinner is my least favorite meal of the day. The thought of spending an hour in the kitchen making dinner and then doing a pile of dishes after a long day on my feet is so unappealing. So what’s a girl to do when I’m tired and I still have […]
Food For Thought: Breakfast Ideas For The Whole Family
Recently I took my little ones in for their well-child check ups, and one of the questions I was asked was how often the family sat down to eat a meal together. This got me to thinking because we are pretty consisted about eating dinner together, but during the week and on the weekends, breakfast […]
Simply Scrumptious Scones
Scones kind of have a bad wrap. Have you ever bitten in to one that looks moist and delicious only to discover that you have a mouth full of dry, crumbling crust that sucks up every ounce of saliva you have? It happens. Which is why I suggest making your own scones and following this […]
Delicious Diet Shakes: Is There Really Such A Thing?
Delicious Diet Shakes: is there really such a thing? The answer is yes! There are a few things that make diet shakes worth drinking, and I’ve broken it down for you below. First, you need a good blender! Having a good blender is KEY. You want your shake to be smooth and well-mixed, not chunky. […]
All About Asparagus
Asparagus tends to have a bad rap with some people. It can be mushy, smelly, and unpalatable if it’s cooked wrong. Lucky for you, I’ve got the basics for cooking it and turning it from something wilted and inedible to the star of your side dishes! Things to know: Asparagus comes in different colors. White […]
Healthy Foods For Snacks Between Meals
If you’ve realized that your winter weight is going to keep you from feeling your best during the warm spring and summer months, then it’s time to take a peek at how to keep yourself full between meals without binging on foods that are going to increase your waistline. It’s a good idea to keep […]